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Healthy Lifestyle Mitigates Brain Aging in Diabetes

Diabetes and prediabetes are associated with accelerated brain aging with brain age gaps of 2.29 and 0.50 years, respectively. This association is more pronounced in men and those with poor cardiometabolic health but may be mitigated by a healthy lifestyle.
Diabetes is a known risk factor for cognitive impairment, dementia, and global brain atrophy but conflicting results have been reported for prediabetes, and it’s unknown whether a healthy lifestyle can counteract the negative impact of prediabetes.
Researchers examined the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationship between hyperglycemia and brain aging, as well as the potential mitigating effect of a healthy lifestyle in 31,229 dementia-free adults (mean age, 54.8 years; 53% women) from the UK Biobank, including 13,518 participants with prediabetes and 1149 with diabetes.
The glycemic status of the participants was determined by their medical history, medication use, and A1c levels.
The brain age gap was calculated as a difference between chronologic age and brain age estimated from MRI data from six modalities vs several hundred brain MRI phenotypes that were modeled from a subset of healthy individuals.
The role of sex, cardiometabolic risk factors, and a healthy lifestyle and their association with brain age was also explored, with a healthy lifestyle defined as never smoking, no or light or moderate alcohol consumption, and high physical activity.
Prediabetes and diabetes were associated with a higher brain age gap than normoglycemia (beta-coefficient, 0.22 and 2.01; 95% CI, 0.10-0.34 and 1.70-2.32, respectively), and diabetes was more pronounced in men vs women and those with a higher vs lower burden of cardiometabolic risk factors.
The brain ages of those with prediabetes and diabetes were 0.50 years and 2.29 years older on average than their respective chronologic ages.
In an exploratory longitudinal analysis of the 2414 participants with two brain MRI scans, diabetes was linked to a 0.27-year annual increase in the brain age gap, and higher A1C, but not prediabetes, was associated with a significant increase in brain age gap.
A healthy lifestyle attenuated the association between diabetes and a higher brain age gap (P = .003), reducing it by 1.68 years, also with a significant interaction between glycemic status and lifestyle.
“Our findings highlight diabetes and prediabetes as ideal targets for lifestyle-based interventions to promote brain health,” the authors wrote.
This study, led by Abigail Dove, Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, was published online in Diabetes Care.
The generalizability of the findings was limited due to a healthy volunteer bias in the UK Biobank. A high proportion of missing data prevented the inclusion of diet in the healthy lifestyle construct. Reverse causality may be possible as an older brain may contribute to the development of prediabetes by making it more difficult to manage medical conditions and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. A1c levels were measured only at baseline, preventing the assessment of changes in glycemic control over time.
The authors reported receiving funding from the Swedish Research Council; Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare; Karolinska Institutet Board of Research; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond; Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation; Alzheimerfonden; and Demensfonden. They declared no relevant conflicts of interest.
This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.
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